Tutor Spotlight: Elida Ntirenganya

Written by Elida Ntirenganya, Tufts '22, Potencia Tutor of the Year

Why did you choose to volunteer at Potencia? 🔑

Learning a new language can be exciting but also challenging. As a previous English learner myself, I understand the many emotions and challenges that arise when trying to master a language that you encounter every day. Therefore, I decided to volunteer at Potencia to be part of the learner’s journey that I am very familiar with.

What did you learn from your tutoring experience? đź’ˇ

During the weekly tutoring sessions, while I taught English grammar, my student taught me about perseverance and patience. No matter how long the journey may be, I want to help as many newcomers as I can to learn the language that they face daily. 

What is your goal after graduation? đź“Ł

When I finish college, I want to continue assuming the role of a “teacher” and help in educating women and young girls in developing countries about their health.


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